Through its regional MMHA partner providers, Mindful Mental Health of Alabama, LLC., serves patients, residential communities, long-term care and rehabilitation facilities with the most valued, convenient and compassionate approaches to mental healthcare.
Mindful Mental Health of Alabama, LLC., provides a full range of mental health psychotherapeutic services for patients in a variety of settings, including assisted living facilities, independent residencies, residential communities and skilled/long-term care facilities.
There are many advantages for mental health therapists (e.g. Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Clinical Psychologists) who opt to work with Mindful Mental Health of Alabama. Mindful Mental Health of Alabama develops relationships with “decision making” representatives and referring clinicians from a variety of referral sources, allowing for access to residential patients in their home settings.
Throughout our lives we are faced with change and the resulting effects on life around us. Change is a regular part of our daily life. There are times however, where change is the result of a major life transition and our ability to adapt to the new environment is beyond our skill level. Therapy offers individuals or families a process to work through what this life change means. Often when faced with a change we look for ways to incorporate this into the life we are leading. In the case of a major life transition, counseling helps to determine how the life we are leading will adapt to this foundational shift. Your counselor is here to help identify these issues and the other adjustment issues as you move forward through the many life transitions that help to create the person we are today.
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